Founded in 1979 by Jim Gilbert, Northwoods Nursery is located on 66 acres of fertile farmland in Oregon’s Willamette Valley. Our temperate climate allows us to grow many hardy and sub-tropical fruits. It also allows us to ship our plants year around. Our focus is finding and promoting unique, delicious and easy to grow fruiting plants for the Pacific Northwest and other regions of North America.


With the help of Lorraine Gardner, who joined the business in 1997, Northwoods has introduced many unique and valuable plants to gardeners worldwide. Northwoods has also pioneered innovative cultivation methods and has always been dedicated to using sustainable and ecologically sound growing practices.

Fruit exploring, both overseas and domestically, has played a major role in allowing us to introduce new fruit varieties. Lorraine and Jim have traveled extensively throughout the US and have visited many foreign countries to learn both about fruit culture and growing techniques. They have also used the resources of the USDA Germplasm Repositories to help find and introduce new varieties. You will see the results of this work as you browse the selections of fruiting plants we offer.

Our nursery is blessed with many skilled, long-term employees. Our Production Supervisor, Miguel Audelo Cruz and our Office Manager, Rae North have each been with the company for over 20 years. We owe a great debt of gratitude to them and to all of our employees, who are essential to the success of our business.