Diospyros spp.
These very ornamental fruit trees are very popular throughout the world. Persimmons are prized for their dark green, tropical-looking foliage, their yellow, orange, and scarlet fall color, and their striking, large, delicious, bright orange fruits, which, in the case of Asian Persimmon, adorn the tree until well after the leaves have fallen. American Persimmon is hardy to minus 25°F. Asian Persimmon is is hardy to 0°F.
Hybrid Persimmon
Diospyros virginiana x kaki
Most horticulturists, if not all, have considered it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to create a hybrid between American Persimmon (D. virginiana) and Asian Persimmon (D. kaki). The goal of such a breeding project was to combine the cold hardiness of the American Persimmon with the large fruit of the Asian Persimmon. The determined researchers at the Nikita Botanic Garden in Crimea succeeded in this effort and Nikita’s Gift™ is their crowning achievement.
Nikita’s Gift™
(Nikitskaya Bordovaya cv.) The Nikita Botanic Garden in Yalta has licensed us to grow and offer this attractive, small tree. A unique cross of American and Asian Persimmon, Nikita's Gift™ bears abundant crops of 2-1/2 inch diameter, attractive, reddish-orange, sweet fruit that is ready to eat when soft and tender like a tomato. Nikita's Gift™ features beautiful orange-red fall color and is hardy to at least minus 10°F.